dr. De Waele publishes in a wide variety of conference proceedings, book chapters and national and international peer reviewed journals. This page only contains his most recent publications. Visit Lode's researchgate profile to get access to other research reports and work in progress as well.
Between Humboldt and Rockefeller: An organization design approach to hybridity in higher education
Published in Scandinavian Journal of Management (2023). Sascha Albers, Johanna Vanderstraeten, Volker Rundshagen, Markus Raueiser, Lode De Waele. Research design: Conceptual study. Enrolment: co-author.
How Dark Triad Traits Moderate the Relationship between Motivation and Affective Commitment
Published in the Proceedings of Academy of Management (2022). Lode De Waele, Tobias Polzer, Lisa Schmidthuber and Eleonore Smalle. Research design: Quantitative, quasi-experiment. Applied methods: Regression-analysis. Enrolment: lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project and interpreting the data. This paper has been awarded as a best paper at the Academy of Management conference (2022).
Would you Bribe your Lecturer? A Quasi-experimental Study on Burnout and Bribery in Higher Education
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Research in Higher Education (2021). Kristina S. Weissmüller and Lode De Waele. Research design: Quantitative, quasi-experiment. Applied methods: SEM-analysis. Enrolment: lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project and interpreting the data
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Frontiers in Psychology (2021). Lode De Waele, Kristina S. Weissmüller and Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Research design: Quantitative, quasi-experiment. Applied methods: SEM-analysis. Enrolment: lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project and interpreting the data.
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (2021). Lode De Waele, Tobias Polzer, Liselore Berghman and Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Research design: Conceptual study. Applied methods: Systematic literature review. Presented at IRSPM 2017. Enrolment: Lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project and recording, analysing, and interpreting the data.
How Public Value Governance Enables Innovation: The Case of a Public Hospital in Portugal
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in International Review of Administrative Sciences (2020) Sara Melo, Lode De Waele and Tobias Polzer. Research design: Qualitative. Applied methods: Single case-study research. Presented at EGOS and PMRC 2018. Enrolment: Co-lead author.
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Review of Public Personnel Administration (2020). Kristina S. Weißmüller, Lode De Waele and Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Research design: Quasi-experiment. Applied methods: Regression analysis. Presented at Euram and the Academy of Management 2018. Enrolment: Co-lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project, recording, and interpreting the data.
Published as a peer-reviewed book chapter in Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Non-Profit Governance Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, 2015, Volume 4, 113-154, Emerald. Lode De Waele, Liselore Berghman and Paul Matthyssens. Research design: Conceptual study. Applied methods: Systematic literature review. Enrolment: Lead author, in addition to planning and managing the research project and recording, analysing, and interpreting the data.
Hybriditeit in Publieke Organisaties: Wat en Waarom?
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 2017, 22(2): 57-74. Lode De Waele and Liselore Berghman.
Over de Bureaucratische Paradox en de Effecten van Public Service Motivation op Corruptie.
Published as a peer-reviewed journal article in Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 2019, 24(2): 43-56. Lode De Waele and Kristina S. Weißmüller.