In the past years, dr. De Waele has taught a variety of courses at the graduate, undergraduate, and executive level, as well as supervised Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. Master thesis projects he supervised have won several prices and awards, including the scriptieprijs Binnenlands Bestuur Guido Decoster and the Etion ondernemerschapsprijs. Teaching evaluations are available on request.
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Co-teaching the course: ‘International and European Environments’ (2018-2019)
This course focuses on the institutional frameworks of organisations such as the EU, WTO, World Bank, and the IMF, with about 450 undergraduate students enrolled. I organised two guest lecturers, prepared the course outline, taught the courses (10x2 hours), and evaluated the students based on MC-questions.
Teaching the course ‘Introduction to Business Administration’ (2021-2023)
This course focuses on the principles of business administration such as foundations of micro and macro-economy, HRM, marketing and cost and management accounting. The course is set-up as a short-track for post-graduate students who already obtained a degree in another study-field. The course has been composed by twelve courses of three hours, including two tutorials. About 300 students are enrolled in this course.
Supervising graduate theses (2013-2019)
I supervised about fifteen master’s theses, in addition to the supervision of ten postgraduate students enrolled on the Master in Public Management program at the Antwerp Management School. Several of my students won prestigious prices for their theoretical and empirical contributions.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Teaching the course: ‘Strategic Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry’ (2017-2021)
This course focuses on strategic management within the pharmaceutical sector, with about 50 postgraduate and doctoral students enrolled. Field trips are organised with the students, in which they visit pharmaceutical companies and, based on the field trips and lectures, they have to develop a strategic written report for a given pharmaceutical company, which they then have to defend orally.
Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Teaching the course ‘Financial Management’ (2021-2022)
Second bachelor students are introduced to basic financial and accounting principles and learn in which ways accounting information is used in order to support organisational decision makers such as (project) managers (management accounting) and external decision makers such as stockholders (financial accounting). An introduction will be given to the different techniques and tools that are used by decision-makers on future (project) investments, such as return on investments and financial leverage/engineering, in order to be able to assess the attractiveness of certain investment opportunities (finance). Students develop the skills to apply the tools and techniques mentioned. The course is composed by eight theoretical lectures of three hours. About 100 students are enrolled in this course.
Co-teaching the course ‘Introduction to Organization Studies’ (2021-2022)
This course allows first bachelor to identify the general building blocks of organisations and organisational thinking, which they can internalize and interpret in the context of their studies. The course has been composed by twelve lectures and twelve seminars. During these seminars, students have to prepare a report in which they discuss and compare the main characteristics, structure and environmental features of several companies, operational within a specific industry. I taught theoretical courses and seminars, graded the exam and the reports. About 180 students are enrolled in this course.
Coordinating and co-teaching the course ‘Academic and Professional Skills’ (2021-2022)
This course introduces students in the scientific processes by explaining the structure of scientific articles, by discussing different ontological and epistemological viewpoints and by analysing principles of philosophy of science. Furthermore, students are prepared for future careers by – amongst others – teaching them professional skills such as presentation-skills and foundations of excel. During this course, students are continuously evaluated by mandatory assignments such as writing an academic paper, preparing a consultancy-report and giving presentations. I am coordinating and grading this course and supervise five student-assistants. About 180 students are enrolled in this course.
Supervising graduate theses (2021-2022)
I am enrolled in two research circles. The first research circle includes students from the regular master program (about eight students enrolled). The second research circle includes students from the extended master program (about six students enrolled). These students are employed as interns within an organisation. Within these organisations, the students approach a more practically-oriented challenge from a scientific viewpoint. The research circle of the regular master program is composed by seven sessions of three hours and the research circle of the extended master program by twelve sessions of three hours.
Utrecht University (the Netherlands)
Coordinating and teaching 'Managing Public Challenges (2022-2023)
The right to exist of organisations with a public function depends on the extent to which these organisations are able to find answers and solutions to the large societal challenges such as climate change or migration. Or, following Moore (1995), to what extent organisations with a public function manage to create public values. In this module, master students learn to recognise public values and how to handle them. About 35 students are enrolled in this course.
Co-teaching the course 'Management and Organisation' (2022-2023)
​This course allows first bachelor students to learn about organisations with a public function, and distinguish characteristics and types within them. On tasks, aspects and insights of an organisation, customers, employees and managers often have different (sometimes contradictory) perspectives, which is the basis for their interaction. About 150 students are enrolled in this course.